Carer Support Wiltshire Logo

In Wiltshire the library service is very aware that carers may find it very difficult to access libraries as often as other people might be able to, so they have some extra services especially in place

  • Apply for a Carer’s Library Card which lets you keep books for six weeks instead of the usual three weeks
  • Make requests for books free of charge
  • Books and audiobooks delivered to your home, if you cannot easily get to a library because you are an unpaid carer
  • eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines are available 24/7, are free to borrow, return automatically and include children’s and teen titles. The text of eBooks can be increased so they’re large print
  • Discover Reading Well books that give practical support and help if you are caring for someone with a long term physical health condition, dementia or mental health needs.
  • They also have a list (Shelf Help) for young people with books that can help deal with difficult feelings and experiences that affect wellbeing.
  • Drop into a shared reading groups and ‘feel better with a book’
  • Access the Mobile Library service that visits more rural parts of the county

For more information about any of these services and mobile library stops in the county, visit Wiltshire Council’s website.