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Accessible transport is a key resource for carers looking after someone with a disability or illness that makes usual modes of transport difficult.

Below is a useful list of numbers, websites and organisations that provide accessible transport or advice and information on transport in your area.

Community First

Community First ( has great resources and information for those in Wiltshire and Swindon. They have a dedicated page on transport and work with Wiltshire Link and other organisations. They have a transport directory ( which lists Community Minibus Groups, Shopmobility Schemes as well as Link (volunteer car) Schemes in Wiltshire and Swindon, information on type of service, the area it covers, and how to get in contact with the service is also available. You can contact Community First by phoning 01380 722 475 or emailing

Bus Passes

If you look after someone who has a disability, they may be entitled to a free bus pass. You can find out more on Wiltshire Council’s website where you can download the application form –

Wiltshire Connect

Wiltshire Connect ( is a new on-demand & timetabled bus network in the Pewsey Vale & Marlborough area. The busses operate on a pre-bookable, on-demand basis, allowing you to travel between any designated pick up and drop off point within each zone. Simply book your journey using the Wiltshire Connect App and smart technology will match your journey with other passengers travelling in the same direction.

Wiltshire Health and Care

Wiltshire Health and Care ( also has some great information about wheelchair accessible transport across Wiltshire. The webpage includes comprehensive help on wheelchair friendly public transport, taxi’s and charity transport as well as advice on how to purchase or rent your own car.

NHS E-zec Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service

The BGSW Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS) supports those people registered with a GP practice in Bath & North East Somerset, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire. E-zec Medical will provide transport for eligible patients that require assistance when attending a pre-booked appointment within a clinic or hospital. If you would like to find out more about this service visit –

Driving Miss Daisy

Driving Miss Daisy ( is a companion & driving service who work with many clients from all walks of life, helping them get out of the house to appointments, go on shopping trips or attend social events. Unfortunately this service does not cover the whole of Wiltshire but you can find out if you area is covered by following the link –, and simply typing your postcode into the search bar.