Carer Support Wiltshire Logo

The below local businesses are offering their support to unpaid carers by provided services free or at a discounted rate for carers.

Please contact us on 0800 181 4118 or email for further information or to register your interest.

Strength Led Fitness, Amesbury

Massage is a wonderful way to take some time just for you, to relax and have a break. Strength Led Fitness at Amesbury House of Perfection, 3 Kingsway House, Smithfield Street, Amesbury are offering a 60 minute massage appointment every month to one carer. You can choose from: sports massage, deep tissue massage, hot stones relaxation massage, hot (and cold) remedial massage, cupping, taping and more.

As slots are limited, we are asking that anyone who would like to be entered into a draw to receive a massage contacts us and expresses their interest. We will draw one name each month and you will be contacted if chosen.

Athula Holistic Therapies, Chippenham

A local Chippenham business is kindly offering free massages to unpaid carers through Carer Support Wiltshire.

Athula Holistic Therapies at Centre Stage Hair & Beauty Salon, High Street, Chippenham are offering a weekly slot for a 30 minute Indian head massage or back massage.

As slots are limited, we are asking that anyone who would like to be entered into a draw to receive a massage contact us and express their interest. We will draw four names each month and you will be contacted if chosen.

Cinch Self-Storage, Chippenham

Cinch Self-Storage in Chippenham would like to give back to carers in the community. Their manager Andrew Stockinger has personal experience of caring for a loved one and moving all of their belongings, and would like offer practical help to people who may have to move a loved one out of a property but may struggle to pay for storing their belongings.

They are kindly offering two rooms of storage space – one 70sqft and one 94 sqft – and the only cost would be for insurance only, which starts at £8 per week for £8,000 of new for old cover.

If you would be interested in taking up this offer, please contact us with the start and end date (or an estimate) of when you need storage. If no storage is available for when you would like it, you will be added to a waiting list and we will contact you when it becomes available.