Carer Support Wiltshire Logo
  • Helen’s story

    Helen cares for her 18 year old daughter Maja who was born with the rare condition Kleefstra Syndrome. Maja has a range of issues, include severe learning difficulties and low muscle tone.

    Helen’s story
  • Joy’s story

    Four years ago Joy Anderson gave up her Yoga business and life in London to move to Pewsey to become a full-time carer for her mum. It was not a decision Joy took lightly, but one she felt she had to make.

    Joy’s story
  • Shelagh’s story

    It was a bit of a slow realisation. I didn’t label myself as a ‘carer’ from the very beginning. When it’s from birth, you start off as looking after a baby just like everyone else

    Shelagh’s story
  • Kate’s Story

    Up to June 4th 2012 I was just me, a nearly 40yr old, single, wine drinking, cat owning, sister, aunt, a friend, sometimes the funny one or even the fat one. But that was as far as my labels went and some I liked, some I didn’t. Then on that day I became a Carer.

    Kate’s Story