Complementary Therapy – Corsham
A range of treatments are on offer incl: Indian head massage, reflexology, back and neck massage. 50 – 60 minute appointments. Enjoying a complementary therapy can help you relax and have some time just for you. Our sessions are open to male and females of all ages. We now offer an increased number of vouchers for pampering which we hope will give you greater choice.
Carers registered with us can have up to three sessions in a twelve month period, but availability is limited. In order to be fair, priority will be given to those who have not had a therapy before. If you have had sessions in the last twelve months you may initially be placed on a waiting list with appointments offered, subject to availability, nearer the time of the therapy.
Please make the therapist aware if you have a medical condition. Please also note that therapies are not appropriate during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Please do not contact the therapist directly, please contact Carer Support Wiltshire.
To book a place on one of our pamper sessions please either email admin@carersupportwiltshire.co.uk or call 0800 181 4118.