Thank You
Thank you for submitting a referral to us. We will be in touch with the carer you referred to us shortly if you have requested support for them.
If they carer you’ve referred is new to caring why not suggest they visit our new to caring page on our website? There they can download our guide for unpaid carers and try out our new to caring questionnaire.
Did you know?
We can support carers in a variety of ways including:
- A telephone support line if they need help and advice about your caring role 0800 181 4118
- Providing advice and information about the support available to them;
- Signposting and referring them on to other useful organisations;
- Our carer cafes, support groups, trips and other activities to give them the chance to take a break from their caring role;
- Our Talk & Support phone befriending service;
- Providing access to training relevant to their caring role.
- The Carers Emergency Card, giving them reassurance that in an emergency their loved one will be looked after.
You can find out more about any of these services by calling our admin team on 01380 819576 or by emailing