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Wiltshire Council have published a draft of their all ages carer strategy 2023-28 and are inviting unpaid carers to comment on it with their thoughts and feedback.

The strategy can be read here. Wiltshire Council would like feedback from as many carers as possible – your feedback will support decisions at Wiltshire Council going forward.

Please send any feedback you have to Wiltshire Council’s Transformation Programme Lead/Assistant Commissioner before the closing date of 1 December 2023.

Following the closing date, the strategy will go to cabinet at the start of 2024.

In addition, Wiltshire Council have commissioned over the late summer/autumn of 2023 an external provider to hear and relay Wiltshire carer voices. The provider will encourage carers of all ages and backgrounds to share their experiences and lives as carers through creativity, using poetry, song writing and music, movement, performance, filmmaking and animation.

More details on these sessions can be found below. To sign up for a session, complete the form at –