Children’s Mental Health Week is on the 7-13 February this year and it is used to raise awareness and shine a spotlight on how important children and young people’s mental health is. This year, the theme is ‘Growing Together’. This is about growing emotionally and helping one another to grow too. Facing challenges and difficulties can help us to grow emotionally by giving us the tools to tackle more in the future. They can also help us to move beyond our comfort zone and tackle new things.
Place2Be who have created Children’s Mental Health week have some great activities for all ages, for use at home or in school. Why not give them a try and see how you can talk about mental health and wellbeing this week?
Primary School:
Why not try out some activities to talk about growth, from using books to see how characters grow, create a wellbeing wall and more here.
Secondary School:
Why not try writing a letter to your younger self, or think about ways you can help your local community and more here.
Find more resources and activity ideas from Place2Be here!
If you need some support for your mental health or know someone else who does…
Everyone has had a hard time throughout the pandemic. We might have all felt a bit low, lonely, or down at some points. This is completely normal. Some young people, and some young carers, have really struggled with their mental health in the last few years. Caring for someone else and always putting their needs before your own can be really overwhelming and sometimes quite tiering. Speaking to someone and letting them know how you feel can be the first step to helping you feel a bit better. You can speak to someone you trust like a parent, school tutor or doctor, or a helpline or website for young people.
Contact Samaritans on 116 123. They are open 24/7 to anyone who needs to talk.
Join Kooth (if you are aged 11-18). Kooth is an online platform that promotes good mental wellbeing. Chat to counsellors, discuss issues with other likeminded people and get support for a range of different topics.
Text SHOUT to 85258. This is a text-based service offering support 24/7 to anyone.