There are a few ways you can help make sure you’re not in danger when you use the internet.
Tips for you when using the internet
•NEVER give out personal information (your address, phone number etc.)
•Check with a parent/carer before giving out photos, bank details etc.
•NEVER arrange to meet with someone you’ve spoken to over email/the web without your parent/carer, and stay in a public place
•Don’t open attachments to emails if you are not sure who they are from – they could contain viruses!
•Always check that your parent/carer is happy for you to enter a chat room
•Keep any passwords you are given safe and secret
•Leave a chat room the moment anything worries you, and let your parent/carer know.
Useful links
Child exploitation & online protection command (CEOP) – A resource to help you assess the quality of information you find on the Internet
Think You Know – A website to help you use the web and chat rooms safely.