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Looking after yourself can sometimes be something you put to the bottom of your long to-do list, especially if you’re looking after someone else.

But the more you put your own wellbeing aside, the harder it becomes to feel positive about your life and give the best help you can to other people.

The most important thing to remember about taking care of yourself is that it is not selfish. In fact it’s better for everyone, because if you’re doing well, you are in a better place to help others!

Here – your own health and wellbeing is very important to us. So keep reading to find out our top tips for looking after yourself while looking after someone else!


Make Time to do the Things you Love

Making sure you set aside time to do something that you love each day really helps make you feel better both inside and out. Even if you’re super busy with school and caring, try making time for yourself at some point in the day and really enjoy the moment. Maybe you love listening to music? Set aside time to go for a walk listening to your favourite songs, or lie down in bed and close your eyes and imagine yourself in a music video!

Eat Well and Drink Water

I know it seems like a silly thing to have to remember – but often we feel really tired or low because we haven’t been giving our body the proper fuel to keep us going. If you find it hard to remember to eat or drink, try to think of your body as a car and the food and water as petrol! If you’re feeling tired or sluggish, think about how low the fuel in your ‘car’ might be, and drink some water or eat some fruit for a quick but healthy burst of energy.

Also – check out the NHS Healthy eating guides suggested food swaps from that are easy to do and good for everyone to get involved with!


Talk to People

Talking to people is a great way of letting off some steam. Sometimes it helps to talk about how your feeling, or sometimes you might just want to talk about something completely different and have a good old chat and a giggle with someone. Keeping yourself isolated means the bad thoughts often don’t have anywhere to go – so making sure you keep connected to friends and family is a great way of staying well!

And if you feel like you don’t have anyone to talk to, or need someone to talk to when everyone is busy, try these online resources where you can talk to someone 1-1, or chat to other young people and young carers in online forums. Both the Kooth website and The Mix website have online resources and places to talk to others for support.

Go Outside or Be With Animals

Being outside is one of the best things you can do for your body inside and out! Not only is it good to get fresh air, sunlight and some exercise if you’re walking around, but it’s great for your mind to just have a break from screens and thinking too much.

Being around animals is also been shown to be a great way of calming yourself and increasing all the good chemicals in your body. If you have a dog or a cat, try spending some time with them just playing or hanging out, and if you don’t, go for a walk to the park and bird watch, or ask to visit a friend who has a pet.

Be Kind to Yourself

If you’re a young carer, you probably have a lot on your plate. Sometimes it might get overwhelming and stressful, but just remember to always be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for doing things wrong, or feeling like you’re not coping, because you are only doing the best you can.

Every morning try telling yourself something lovely, go on – give yourself a complement! Even something silly like saying your eyes are a nice colour can be a great way to start the day off right.

We hope these tips for staying healthy and well as a young carer can help you in some way! If you’d like to read more, check out the Rethink Mental Illness website.