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If you live with parents who are serving in the Armed Forces your life could be very different to other children whose parents do jobs in the civilian world.

You might experience frequent and long term separation from your mum or dad whilst they are on deployment. You may also move home and school on a frequent basis. This often means it’s more difficult to put down roots and make long-term friends.

You could be:

  • Looking after a parent who has returned from being away and is injured. This could be a physical injury or they could be struggling with mental ill health including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
  • Looking after a parent who is at home and needs help because of illness or a disability.
  • Caring for a sister, brother or someone else in their family because they are affected by illness or a disability, or you might help to look after a brother or sister because your parent isn’t very well.

Watch this video from Action for Carers Surrey. It’s called Codename Carer and is all about being a young carer in a military family.

Children and parents can now self-refer for an assessment into the Integrated Front Door on 0300 4560108 or email.  Once the referral is received it will be allocated to a practitioner who will make contact with the family.  Once the assessment is complete, if the young person is deemed a young carer and they would benefit from activities that would give them a break from their caring role then a referral will be made to us at Carer Support Wiltshire.

If you think you or your family need help get in touch today.