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Carer Involvement

We want to ensure that carers’ voices are directly involved in all decision making for the development of new and existing services which support carers across Wiltshire. Your voice and experience as a carer count, and can influence change. That’s why we need more people to be a part of Carer Support Wiltshire’s Carer Involvement.

There are many ways to get involved, from reviewing documents from the comfort of your own home, joining recruitment panels, being part of the Wiltshire Carer Involvement Group or taking part in forums and focus groups. We are also on the lookout for carers willing to share their experience and take part in interviews with the media.

Wiltshire Carers Involvement Group The Wiltshire Carers Involvement Group (WCIG) is a group of carers who meet once a quarter to discuss issues that affect all carers in Wiltshire and try to come up with practical solutions to put to the various agencies, including Wiltshire Council, who are responsible for the services that are available to carers across the county. The topics WCIG debate affect all carers and the group has been instrumental in the development of the Wiltshire Carer Partnership Strategy, the Carers Emergency Card, and a number of reports published by Healthwatch Wiltshire. If you would like to raise a topic or would like to join the group please contact us on 0800 181 4118 or via email at